Economic Impact of State Recycling Market Development
Programs: 1990-2023
Date & Time: October 24, 2023 |12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST | Zoom
Over the past three decades, interest in and support for domestic recycling have fluctuated widely. In the early 1990s, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) funded programs aimed at stimulating domestic recycling by nurturing state-led initiatives focused on technical, business, and financial support for recycling industries. These programs have undergone significant changes over time. Presently, approximately 19 states are involved in various forms of recycling market development, supplemented by additional measures supported by privately funded entities. With a growing interest in recycling and a desire for an enhanced understanding of material origins, there has been a heightened focus on recycling market development in recent years. Whether integrated into an extended producer responsibility (EPR) program, established as a state-funded center in collaboration with stakeholders, or initiated privately, there is a mounting interest in finding ways to fund recycling businesses. These initiatives aim to address contamination, enhance sortation processes, and stimulate end markets.
In this webinar, AMERIPEN will unveil the results of a new study examining the economic impact of state-led recycling market development centers over the 33 years since the concept was first introduced. The discussion will encompass various recycling market development models, budgets, and impacts, featuring insights from select state programs.
This webinar serves as a timely resource to bolster the EPA’s initiatives in recycling market development, aligning with the objectives outlined in their National Recycling Strategy. It also contributes to ongoing discussions about packaging EPR and complements new legislation in several states that are gearing up to launch their own recycling market development programs.
Why Attend?
Discover Untapped Economic Opportunities: Learn how recycling market centers have generated nearly 260,000 full-time equivalent jobs over the past 33 years and explore the potential for job growth in the recycling industry.
Gain Insights into Industry Correlations: Understand the industries positively correlated with the establishment of recycling market centers and how they contribute to economic development in states.
Explore the Circular Economy: Explore how these centers bridge the gap between design and recycling, ensuring a circular approach to packaging materials and promoting sustainability.
Discuss the Need for Better Data: Understand the challenges faced due to limited data and explore ways to gather more information to enhance the effectiveness of recycling market development programs.
Network and Collaborate: Connect with experts, policymakers, and industry professionals passionate about recycling and sustainability, fostering collaborations for a greener future.
Anna DeLage serves as the Recycling Market Development Manager at South Carolina Department of Commerce. She sparks economic growth, by connecting SC businesses to more than 300 recycling companies in the state. With over a decade of sustainable materials management experience she tracks capital investment and job creation for the SC recycling industry. She responds to sourcing requests for companies interested in expanding recycling operations, achieving zero waste, and identifying new market opportunities. Anna provides a trusted source on information for clients to reduce disposal costs and identify pathways to build a circular economy. She loves a good challenge of linking hard to recycle items with end markets. She started her career in sustainability as a student leader at the University of North Carolina at Asheville as the cofounder and Director of the Student Environmental Center. It was her leadership as Student Body Vice President that was instrumental in passing a comprehensive sustainability policy for the university that would serve as the current model for all 16 campuses in the UNC system. She served as Richland County’s first Sustainability Director in 2010, managing over $2M in energy efficiency and clean energy projects resulting in a 10% reduction in energy use in county buildings portfolio-wide during her tenure. In her free time, she loves the great outdoors, especially replenishing beach days and trips to the Appalachian mountains.
John Dunham is a professional economist with over 30 years of experience. He holds a Master of Arts degree in Economics from the New School for Social Research as well as a Master of Business Administration from Columbia University. He also has a professional certificate in Logistics from New York University. Mr. Dunham has worked as a manager and an analyst in both the public and private sectors. He has experience in conducting cost-benefit modeling, industry analysis, transportation analysis, economic research, and tax and fiscal analysis. As the Chief Domestic Economist for Philip Morris, he developed tax analysis programs, increased cost-center productivity, and created economic research operations. He has presented testimony on economic and technical issues in federal court and before federal and state agencies.
Matt Flechter is a Recycling Market Development Specialist at the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, for 18 years has assisted recycling programs by growing the Michigan supply chain so the valuable commodities that businesses need make their way from the curb to new products. He is a longtime member of the Michigan Recycling Coalition board of directors and the former chair of the Mid-America Council of Recycling Officials. Matt is a graduate of Michigan State University.